Method of payment

Payment method at Demarcus store: Paypal

Paypal is a well-liked and safe online payment method that we take. You can use Paypal to make payments with a credit or debit card or to log into your account.

Payment security

Your financial information is completely secure, we guarantee it. Paypal uses cutting-edge security measures to encrypt and safeguard every single transaction.

Payment confirmation

You will receive an email with a purchase confirmation as soon as your funds are successfully processed. This email serves as verification of your payment and contains details about your transaction. Kindly store a duplicate of this email for your records.

Payment currency

The prices listed on Bernhard store are all expressed in United States Dollars (USD). If you purchase outside of the US, your payment provider will instantly convert your money to USD at the going rate.

Payment dispute

To address any billing disputes, we shall adhere to established standards and industry standard practices. Customers should address their issues with us by contacting our customer service department before filing a dispute or chargeback.

We will make sure that any applicable refunds and returns are specified on our website (please refer to our Refund and Return Policy). It is crucial to read this policy to comprehend the terms and circumstances that allow refunds or returns, as well as any related costs or restocking fees.

Update policy

We have the right to make any required updates or changes to our payment policy. We advise you to periodically examine this policy as any changes to our payments policy will be reflected here.